ノマドCarlota KowalskyとモラットThe Hungries: Gakis and Pretasがリスカルプト.
Kosmoflotのやたら強いやつらParacommando (Spitfire), Volkolak (Missile Launcher), Kosmosoldat (Autocannon)が更に強い武器を持って新規造形.
歴代シーナリーパック最高傑作と評判のDarpan Xeno-Stationが単体・拡張同時発売.
February new products pre-order
Shakush Light Armored Unit
Agamemnon the Atreides
Kosmoflot Expansion Pack Alpha
Paracommando with Spitfire, Volkolak Missile Launcher and Kosmosoldat with Autocannon
Tomcat Doctor with Combi Rifle, two Zondcats and Tomcats Sergeant Carlota Kowalsky
The Hungries: Gakis and Pretas
Gakis x 2, Pretas x 2
Darpan Xeno-Station Scenery Pack and Expansion Pack
an Objective room, two small buildings, a sniper tower, a console, two bridges, two staircases, an inner ladder, an inner walkway and a 24x32 inch paper gaming mat.