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This is the regular catalogue version of the ITS season 9 exclusive miniature. Cube J?ger with Submachine Gun.


"Safeguarding your key to forever.? Slogan for Pangea Insurance, a subsidiary of Hartcorp Inc.


Your immortality rests on your Cube. This piece of technology has unshackled us from the fetters of death and given us the freedom to risk life and limb for a worthy cause: the legacy of a job well done, the thrill of a legendary BASE jump or the glory of a just war. All without irrevocable consequences. But even a Cube is worthless if your body is stuck at the bottom of a ravine, abandoned in a trench or lost in some unmapped jungle. Until someone can get to you and retrieve your Cube, you're trapped inside your own cadaver. Luckily that's what Cube J?gers are for. These recovery experts will defy any conditions no matter how extreme, any danger no matter how grave, to hunt down your remains and deliver you unto immortality. As long as your check clears, that is.


The role of Cube hunters first appeared in the Human Sphere as a deluxe service offered by insurer firms to a select few clients. With the eruption of the NeoColonial Wars, it became apparent that this operational profile could be invaluable in conflict areas. When regular resources in the area are insufficient or the level of risk too high, it became customary for military forces to outsource ?wetware retrieval? jobs to private Cube J?ger outfits. Later, the Paradiso troubles proved that no human J?gers could hold a candle to the Tohaa. Thanks to their radical reliance on biotech solutions, Tohaa retrievers humbled both sides of the conflict (the humans and the Combined Army?s Sygmaa operatives) in terms of Cube recovery stats.


If you?re fortunate enough to be covered by a premium retrieval service, either because of your deep pockets or your value to the military brass, true death will be one fewer thing to worry about. With these agents on the job, your immortality is assured regardless of the circumstances of your demise. Wherever it is, you can trust Cube J?gers to bring back your body or, after a spot of impromptu monofilament surgery, at least your head.


Blister contains:

  • 1x J?ger (Submachine Gun + E)
  • This product is not a toy.  Not intended for use of persons 14 years of age or younger.
  • Miniatures included in our products are provided unpainted. Assembly may also be required. Actual components may vary from those shown

Cube Jeagers, Mercenary Recoverers (Submachine Gun)


    ©2019 by Impetuous Order. 

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