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Armies: PanOceania / MilitaryOrders


1 x Padre-Inquisidor Mendoza with MULTI Rifle

1 x Knight of Santiago with Spitfire

1 x Father-Officer Gabriele De Fersen Hacker


The Military Orders, religious groups of military character, were a phenomenon of the Middle Ages that, surprisingly, has resurfaced in the Human Sphere with a force comparable to that of its heyday. Bringing additional combat strength to the army of PanOceania and subject toPanOceanian High Command, they have some freedom of action and distinguish themselves by their assault tactics that recall those of earlier bloodiertimes.


With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Military Orders collection you started with Military Orders Action Pack.

Military Orders Expansion Pack Alpha

¥7,400 通常価格

20% OFF

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